Essay on Mahatma Gandhi’s impact on the World

Mahatma Gandhi influenced the whole world with his teachings on non-violence, nation building, and peaceful protests called ‘Satyagrah’. He was and still is revered by many great leaders around the world such as Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr and many … Read more

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for class 5

MG burning foreign clothes

Below is an essay on Mahatma Gandhi for class 5 and class 4 students. Feel free to copy and use this for your school work. Here are 10 lines for essay on Mahatma Gandhi and the concept of Swadeshi Mahatma Gandhi, a great leader in … Read more

Mahatma Gandhi Essay on Dandi Salt March

Mahatma Gandhi making Salt in Dandi

Following are 2 essays on Mahatma Gandhi’s famous Dandi Salt March. Feel free to use them for your kids education and studies. Essay 1 on Mahatma Gandhi Title: The Dandi Salt March by Mahatma Gandhi Once upon a time, in a land called India, there … Read more

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi as a great leader

Below is the essay on Mahatma Gandhi as a great leader in English for students. Feel free to use and customise as per requirements for school work. Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for kids in 3rd-5th Standard in 600 words Title: Mahatma Gandhi: A Peaceful but … Read more